Module 4 – Assistant Instructor
MODULE 4: Assistant Riding Instructor SANIP Certificate – Assistant Instructor
Successful completion of Modules 1, 2 & 3
The minimum age that this examination may be taken is 18 years.
The minimum pass rate for all subjects in this module is 70%
For certification of this qualification candidates must be in possession of a recognized Level One First Aid Certificate and SAPS Clearance Certificate.
Candidates are required to complete the EQASA Riding Proficiency Tests 1 & 2; signed off by a CEEPSA registered instructor before taking the module four assessment. Candidates in possession of Pony Club C+ or higher need not complete this requirement.
Teaching and riding logged records are to be signed off by a CEEPSA registered Level one instructor and be loaded onto the candidate’s profile on the EQASA website
A police clearance certificate is required for all instructors.
Please note: At the examiners’ discretion the riding components of this module may be stopped/postponed if safety of participants or welfare of horses are in any way compromised.
Subject knowledge and skills required for this module are:
5.4.1 Basic Personal Riding: on the flat over jumps
5.4.2 Group Lesson
5.4.3 Lunge Lesson
5.4.4 Theory of Teaching
5.4.5 Portfolios of Evidence
All lessons and riding assessments are 30 mins except for the theory assessment which is a one and a half hour WRITTEN paper.
5.4.1 BASIC PERSONAL RIDING | 4 | 16 | Flatwork | || Jumping |
FLATWORK: Learning Outcome: | FLATWORK: Assessment Criteria: |
The candidate should be able to: | The candidate has achieved this outcome because s / he can: |
Ride an unknown, quiet, experienced horse with an independent seat in balance and harmony. | Demonstrate how to sit on a horse and maintain this position through suppleness and balance |
Ride an unknown experienced horse forward and in balance in all three paces on both reins. | Demonstrate how to ride in walk, trot and canter, on both reins while maintaining their position. |
Ride an unknown experienced horse applying the aids for school figures and canter leads through harmonious transitions. | Demonstrate how to ride simple school figures and canter through harmonious transitions. |
Ride a figure of eight (without stirrups) in sitting trot for the first circle and canter the second. | Demonstrate how to ride a figure of eight with no stirrups in trot and canter. |
Ride leg yielding on both reins. | Demonstrate how to ride leg yields on both reins. |
Maintain the horse’s level of schooling, ie. the horse should be ridden in an ‘outline’. | Demonstrate riding the horse in an outline and the ability to maintain the level of schooling of the horse. |
JUMPING: Learning Outcome: | JUMPING: Assessment Criteria: |
The candidate should be able to: | The candidate has achieved this outcome because s / he can: |
Adjust stirrups for jumping. Show appropriate warm up routine for jumping. Jump a simple gymnastic of up to 80cms. Jump a course of 4 jumps of up to 85cms. Jump an unknown experienced horse in good rhythm and style, appropriate approach over and landing from the fences. |
Demonstrate adjusting stirrups for jumping according to accepted procedure. Demonstrate an appropriate warm up for jumping. Demonstrate jumping a gymnastic. Demonstrate an effective secure jumping position. Demonstrate good approach, jump and landing techniques. |
Know how to adjust pace while jumping the course. | Demonstrate adjustments in the pace while jumping the course. |
Know how to ride the course with correct canter leads. | Demonstrate the ability to ride with correct canter leads. |
Can analyse performance of jumping round. | Demonstrate the ability to anaylse performance of personal jumping round |
5.4.2 GROUP LESSON | 4 |
Learning Outcome: | Assessment Criteria: |
The candidate should be able to: | The candidate has achieved this outcome because s / he can: |
Understand the importance of risk management associated with riding | Demonstrate knowledge of risk management in the riding environment. |
Teach and control a group of learners using appropriate terminology | Demonstrate teaching a group of 3 to 4 riders efficiently to maintain control and impart meaningful instructions |
Demonstrate knowledge of the riding position, and application of the aids. | Demonstrate explaining the riding position and basic aids to the group |
Give a constructive lesson with an ability to assess basic faults and be able to correct these faults. | Demonstrate ability to assess the riders’ aptitude and provide constructive feedback in order for them to improve their position. |
Know the correct numbers and distances between poles on the ground and correct construction of small jumps. Max height 65cms. | Demonstrate safe construction a simple jumping exercise for the group. |
Teach a jumping lesson safely and constructively. |
Give an appropriate jumping lesson based on your assessment of the group, achieving improvement through identifying the faults and correcting them Introduce skills during the lesson according to the principles of IDEAS (Introduce, Demonstrate, Explain, Attend and Summerise). |
5.4.3 LUNGE LESSON | 4 |
Learning Outcome: | Assessment Criteria: |
The candidate should be able to: | The candidate has achieved this outcome because s/he can: |
Deliver a competent lunge lesson to a novice rider in walk and trot. | Demonstrate giving a 20 minute lunge lesson to a novice rider in walk and trot. |
Know how to explain the basic riding position using appropriate terminology. | Demonstrate the ability to explain the basic position using appropriate terminology. |
Identify and correct faults seen in the position in walk and trot. | Demonstrate the ability to identify and correct faults in the rider’s position at walk and trot. |
Provide an encouraging and constructive lesson to a novice rider. |
Demonstrate the ability to provide an informative and encouraging lesson to a novice rider. Introduce skills during the lesson according to the principles of IDEAS (Introduce, Demonstrate, Explain, Attend and Summerise). |
Learning Outcome: | Assessment Criteria: |
The candidate should be able to: | The candidate has achieved this outcome because s / he can: |
Show a sound knowledge of the principles of teaching riding, both in theory and practice and how to deliver a well planned, informative lesson. | Describe in writing how to plan and deliver a riding lesson showing an understanding of the principles of teaching including all aspects of risk management and safety.. |
Understand the qualities of a good instructor | Describe in writing the qualities of a good instructor. |
Understand the demographics relating to teaching different age groups | Describe in writing the principles of teaching different age groups showing an understanding of their insecurities and expectations. |
Conduct a safe outride | Describe in writing how to conduct a safe outride |
Know how to plan mounted games and pony camps. | Describe in writing with examples; mounted games; jump/obstacle construction including dimensions and fun, educational activities. |
5.4.5 PORTFOLIOS OF EVIDENCE | 4 | | Personal Riding Log | || Lessons Log |
Learning Outcome: | Assessment Criteria: |
The candidate should be able to: | The candidate has achieved this outcome because s / he can: |
Understand the importance of keeping records | Demonstrate in writing the ability to record riding and teaching activity according to the prescribed format. |
Understand what information is important to record | Please refer to the “EQASA required documents: checklist” for the required number of hours. |