Module 3 – Horsemastership
Module 3
SANIP Certificate of Horsemastership
Entrance Requirements:
Successful completion of Modules 1 & 2 .
The minimum age that this examination may be taken is 18 years.
The minimum pass rate for all subjects in this module is 70%.
Candidates will be assessed orally on their safe, practical application of knowledge with explanations, except for the General Knowledge which is a written theory test. Oral sessions are 30 minutes long and the written General Knowledge is one hour theory test.
For certification of this qualification candidates must be in possession of a current recognized Level One First Aid Certificate. A copy of the first aid certificate is required to be uploaded onto the candidate’s profile.
Should candidates choose, this module can be broken up into two exam sessions. In the first session the following subjects will be taken a) Equine Foot Care, Conformation, Equine Health Care, Stable Yard Management and Equine Unsoundness. Then at the next exam session the remaining subjects will be taken being b) Equine Nutrition, Lunging 2, Equine Functional Systems and Equine Dentition.
Subject knowledge and skills required for this module are:
5.3.1 Stable Yard Management
5.3.2 Conformation
5.3.3 Equine Health Care
5.3.4 Equine Dentition
5.3.5 Equine Foot Care
5.3.6 Equine Functional Systems
5.3.7 Equine Nutrition
5.3.8 Lungeing 2
5.3.9 Equine Unsoundness
5.3.10 General Knowledge
Learning Outcome: | Assessment Criteria: |
The learner should be able to: | The learner can achieve this outcome because they can: |
Know the basics re staff management and small business administration. Know how to apply basic business principles. |
Administer a small business within the laws and regulations of employment, keeping animals and book keeping. Describe how to apply options and possibilities for improving the profitability of the business. (Compulsory) |
Know Occupational Health & Safety Regulations | Explain the Health and Safety regulations and their importance in the workplace. (Compulsory) |
Have a knowledge of terms of employment, allocation of work, salaries, etc. Know what human resources are needed to start a new venture. |
Work within the law re the hiring of staff etc. Describe what human resources may be needed to start a new venture. (Compulsory) |
Knows how to plan and monitor routines and programmes for an equine establishment. Know what the term Social License to Operate (SLO) is. |
Describe how to plan and monitor routines and programmes.
Explain your understanding of the term SLO.
5.3.2 CONFORMATION | 3 | 8 |
Learning Outcome: | Assessment Criteria: |
The learner should be able to: | The learner has achieved this outcome because s / he can: |
Assess and compare horses/ponies with the view to a possible purchase in a given scenario. Apply appropriate assessment technique and terminology to describe and identify any faults / good features. Effects of conformation faults are understood. |
Assess and compare two horses or ponies in a given scenario. Demonstrate an efficient assessment technique and apply appropriate terminology to describe faults / good features. Describe the effect of poor conformation on performance. (Compulsory) |
Age a horse with a degree of accuracy. Assess type. |
Demonstrate an appropriate technique in assessing an equine’s age with a degree of accuracy. Identify the type of horse that is being assessed. (Compulsory) |
Assess quality of movement and attitude. Assess deviations from straight limb action. Know the site of named common un-soundnesses. Understand the consequences of any defects in conformation. |
Assess movement in terms of balance, rhythm, impulsion and cadence. Identify deviations from straight action. Point out on a horse the site of named common unsoundness. Describe the consequences of named defects and their effect on performance. |
Understand unsoundnesses that do not affect limbs. | Describe unsoundnesses that do not affect the action. |
Know the difference between chronic and acute lameness giving examples of these conditions. | Describe the difference between chronic and acute lameness with examples. |
Provide an accurate conformation assessment of any given horse/pony for a purchaser before consulting a veterinarian. |
Give an accurate opinion of a given horse/pony as purchaser may ask for before consulting a veterinarian. |
5.3.3 EQUINE HEALTH CARE | 3 | 8 |
Learning Outcome: | Assessment Criteria: |
The learner should be able to: | The learner has achieved this outcome because s / he can: |
Name common diseases in equines. Understand when to call the vet and what information to give. Recognise and manage common infectious / contagious diseases. |
Name common diseases. Describe what information is relevant to provide the veterinarian Describe how to recognise and manage infectious and contagious diseases in a given scenario. |
Know how to manage minor wounds. Recognise and manage different types of bleeding. Carry out the veterinarian’s instructions re treatment. Know how to store different medications and The Medicine Control Act re the scheduled drugs that may be given on the Vets instructions. Display a knowledge of prohibited substances. Know how to carry out a check on the vital signs and the importance of recording this information. Know the symptoms of a sprained tendon / ligament and the immediate care and appropriate action to take. |
Describe how to treat minor wounds. Describe how to recognise and manage different types of bleeding. Explain the importance of following the vet’s instructions re medication and after care. Describe how to store medications and briefly explain The Medicine Control Act re the drugs that may be prescribed. (Compulsory) Explain what prohibited substances are. Describe / simulate how to check the vital signs. Explain when this check should be done and how to record this information. Describe the symptoms and immediate care required for a given sprained tendon / ligament. |
Know how to plan a de-worming programme in consultation with the vet. Know what other parasites to control, external and internal. |
Describe how to plan a parasite control routine for a stable yard. Name other external and internal parasites to be controlled. (Compulsory) |
Know the symptoms of colic. Understand the need for immediate veterinary intervention. Know preventative measures that may be taken. |
Describe the symptoms of colic. Explain why it is vital to get veterinary attention immediately. Describe some preventative measures for recurring colic. (Compulsory) |
Know how to plan a vaccination routine in consultation with the veterinarian. Know the diseases that require routine vaccination. |
Describe how to manage a plan to vaccinate horses in any given stable yard. Name the diseases to be vaccinated against. |
Know how to apply isolation and preventative measures of infectious diseases. | Describe how to prevent / manage infectious diseases in the stable yard. |
Learning Outcome: |
Assessment Criteria: |
The Learner should be able to: | The Learner has achieved this outcome because s/he can: |
Know the types of teeth and their function and phases of tooth eruption. |
Name the types of teeth and explain their function. Explain how the teeth erupt with time frames. |
Understand how age affects the teeth. | Describe how age may affect the teeth, giving examples of complications that may arise. |
Know complications relating to equine teeth. |
Describe some complications relating to equines teeth. Range: Caps, wolf teeth, hooks, etc. |
Apply a routine for maintenance and care of an equine’s teeth. | Describe a routine maintenance plan for an equine’s teeth |
Know the consequences of not maintaining an equine’s teeth. | Explain why it is so important to maintain the teeth, giving examples. |
Understand irregularities associated with the teeth and jaw conformation. Know the consequences of these abnormalities. |
Describe some irregularities associated with jaw conformation and the teeth. Range: Over shot, undershot jaw, etc. Describe some of the consequences of these abnormalities. |
Know how to age an equine by its teeth. Know the effect the environment / diet has on the teeth. |
Demonstrate how to age a horse by its teeth, Describe how environment and diet may contribute to changes in the teeth. |
5.3.5 EQUINE FOOT CARE | 3 | 5 |
Learning Outcome:
Assessment Criteria:
The learner should be able to: |
The learner has achieved this outcome because s / he can: |
Know the principles of shoeing, shoeing tools and their function. Know how to remove a shoe in an emergency. |
Describe why horses wear shoes. Name shoeing tools and describe their function. Describe how to remove a shoe in an emergency. |
Know what to look for in a newly shod foot. Know the hoof / pastern axis. Know what a balanced foot should look like. |
Describe the characteristics of a well shod foot. Describe the hoof pastern axis and why it is important. Describe what a balanced foot should look like. |
Know the structure of the foot and the importance of its maintenance. | Describe the structure and explain the function of each part of the foot. Explain the reasons for good hoof care and maintenance. |
Know diseases of the foot. |
Describe given diseases of the foot, giving possible causes and treatments. Range: Including but not limited to quittor; sheared heels; seedy toe; thrush |
Recognise faulty shoeing and understand resulting consequences. | Describe possible problems as a result of faulty shoeing, Range: Including but not limited to: under run heels; nail prick; nail bind. |
Learning Outcome: | Assessment Criteria: |
The learner should be able to: | The learner has achieved this outcome because s/he can: |
Know and understand the functions of the cardio-vascular system of the equine. | Name parts of the cardio-vascular system on a diagram. |
Describe the functions of cardio-vascular systems including the direction of blood flow. (Compulsory) | |
Know and understand the respiratory system of the equine. |
Name parts of the respiratory system on a diagram provided. Describe the function of the respiratory system. |
Understand the roles of the respiratory system in relation to performance. Understand common ailments of the respiratory system |
Describe the role of the respiratory system in relation to the performance of the horse. Name the common ailments of the respiratory system. (Compulsory) Including but not limited to RAD |
Know the symptoms of a possible breakdown in the function of the nervous system. | Describe radial nerve paralysis and Wobbler Syndrome. |
Understand how a malfunction of these systems may affect the performance of the horse. | Describe how a malfunction of nervous system may affect the performance of the horse, giving examples. |
Know how to care for a horse immediately after it was gelded. | Describe the aftercare of a horse that had just been gelded. |
5.3.7 EQUINE NUTRITION | 3 | 5 |
Learning Outcome: | Assessment Criteria: |
The learner should be able to: | The learner has achieved this outcome because s /she can; |
Know the types of feed that will individually and / or collectively make up the concentrate ration. | Identify the types of feed that will individually and / or collectively make up a concentrate feed ration. (Compulsory) |
Know how to evaluate a ration including weights | Describe how to evaluate a ration for a horse /pony in a given scenario. Name weights of feed. (Compulsory) |
Know the ratio of roughage to concentrates and understand how this may vary with examples. | Describe the ratio of roughage to concentrates and how this may vary and name examples. |
Know where in the digestive system any given feed is utilized. Know the purpose of the caecum. Understand what a balanced diet is and recognise the signs of deficiencies of essential nutrients. Know how feed may cause laminitis / or an allergic reaction. Understand how feed may be related to some types of colic. Know prohibited substances and the rules re their use. Know where to source these rules Identify poisonous plants |
Describe where in the digestive tract any given feed is utilized. Describe the purpose of the caecum. Describe what is meant by a balanced diet. Give examples of deficiency in any given nutrient. (Compulsory) Describe how feed may be the cause of laminitis or an allergic reaction. Describe with examples how feed may be related to some types of colic.. Describe what prohibited substances are and the consequences of their use. Name where to source the rules for prohibited substances. Identify types of poisonous plants and their effect. Range including but not limited to: Minnie-minnie beans; castor oil plant; senecio; monkey rope; thorn apple; blue-green algae |
Know how to change the diet for a horse that is sick / on box rest. | Describe how you would alter the diet for a sick / box rest horse, give examples. (Compulsory) |
5.3.8 LUNGEING 2 | 3 | 8 |
Learning Outcome: | Assessment Criteria: |
The learner should be able to: | The leaner has achieved this outcome because s / he can: |
Prepare the horse for lungeing. Complete a check on the equipment and fit. Lunge the horse and assess it’s way of going. Select and fit appropriate ancillary equipment to improve horse’s way of going. |
Demonstrate preparing the horse for lungeing; including checking the equipment for fit in accordance with health and safety requirements. (Compulsory) Demonstrate lungeing the horse safely and assess its way of going, Identify; select and fit the equipment to improve horse’s way of going. (Compulsory) Range: Chambon or side reins. |
Lunge the horse safely and effectively. Assess the horse’s working paces in walk, trot and canter. |
Demonstrate an effective lungeing technique with use of equipment. Demonstrate and discuss desirable and un-desirable paces as well as balance, evenness, cadence and tempo. (Compulsory) |
Assess the way of going and implement an on-going traning/exercise programme for a horse. | Describe the horse’s way of going and how or if it could be improved with further work on the lunge, naming an approximate timeframe. |
Understand the use of ancillary equipment and how to select the appropriate equipment |
Name and decribe the use and fit of additional types of ancillary lungeing equipment. Range: |
5.3.9 EQUINE UNSOUNDNESS | 3 | 8 |
Learning Outcome: | Assessment Criteria: |
The learner should be able to: | The learner has achieved this outcome because s/he can: |
Know the site on the horse of named common un-soundness. | Name and identify the location on a horse of common unsoundness. |
Understand unsoundnesses affecting systems excluding limbs Know the terms used to describe them. |
Describe unsoundnesses not associated with limbs Range: Wind, Heart, Eye, Neurological. (Compulsory) |
Understand the difference between chronic and acute lameness. | Describe the difference between chronic and acute lameness and name examples. |
Know the basic structure of the leg below the knee / hock. | Name and identify the basic structure of the leg below the knee/hock, including tendons, ligaments and joints. |
Understand that certain types of conformation faults predispose the horse to certain unsoundnesses. |
Named conformation faults are described with examples regarding the unsoundness they may predispose the horse to. Range including but not limited to: Sickle hocks; Long toe; low heel; slack pasterns |
Know the site of and understand the possible cause of bursal enlargements. |
Identify where named bursal enlargements are located and name possible causes. (Compulsory). Range including but not limited to: capped elbow; thoroughpin; windgalls |
Know the site of and understand the possible cause of bone enlargements. |
Identify where bone enlargements are located and name possible causes. Range including but not limited to: Splints, ringbone. (Compulsory). |
Know where degenerative bone diseases may be located and possible causes of the condition. | Describe what degenerative bone diseases are and name examples with possible causes. |
5.3.10 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE | 3 | 5 |
Learning Outcome: | Assessment Criteria: |
The learner should be able to: | The learner can achieve this outcome because they can: |
Know basic equine and equestrian terminology. Identify primary muscles; bones and tendons and ligaments of a foreleg. Give written examples for a variety of questions from syllabus content. |
Provide written definitions of equine & equestrian terminology. Indicate on given diagrams primary muscles; bones and tendons and ligaments of a foreleg. Provide written answers for a variety of questions from syllabus content. |