2.1.1 All candidates are required to register their details on the website. 
This fee provides you with access to our services.
2.1.2. Candidates are required to accept our terms and conditions via registration on the EQASA website. Candidates are also required to be fully cognisant of the syllabus requirements of the module they are booking.
2.1.3 Applicants may not take an assessment if they have been found guilty in a court of law, of contravention of any laws of the Republic of South Africa concerning the welfare of horses.


2.2.1 Candidates may apply to take examinations at any one of the EQASA regional assessment centres or host venue.
2.2.2 Bookings are made via the website and paid for at the time of booking via PAYFAST.
2.2.3 Modules are to be completed in full and in sequence.
2.2.4 Bookings must be made by the individual candidate via the EQASA website by the advertised closing date. Completion of a booking does not necessarily guarantee that you will be included on the next assessment date. A policy of “first come first served” is applied once payment has been received.
2.2.5 These dates appear on the exam booking section of the website.
2.2.6 It is the responsibility of candidates’ to remain in contact with the respective regional director/exam co-ordinator via email regarding the status of their booking, assessment date/s, venue/s and time/s.
2.2.7 Candidates with special needs are advised to inform the regional director via email of any special needs or disability when they submit their booking. This may include, but is not restricted to providing alternative methods of assessment for candidates with learning difficulties, for example oral assessment of written papers for applicants with language difficulties or dyslexia.
2.2.8 Due to the practical nature of the assessments, there may be instances where it is not possible for a disabled candidate to fulfil the requirements of a particular assessment. Candidates whose disability restricts their participation in such circumstances will be advised of any relevant alternative qualifications or training opportunities.
2.2.9 The assessments are conducted in English. If requested in writing, three months prior to the assessment date, we will endeavour to obtain the services of a translator at modules one, two and three only.
2.2.10 Please note that candidates taking the module five (International Level One) Instructor’s/Coach qualification must be in possession of a grade 12; or equivalent, school leavers certificate.
2.2.11 Please make use of the document upload facility on your profile page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The published date on the website is the start date of an exam. In the provinces of Gauteng and Western Cape, the number of applications may result in an exam running over a number of days from the published start date. In these cases, the start date indicates an “exam week”.



2.3.1 The assessment fees are non-refundable, but can, on written application via email, be held over for another date within a period of 12 months of payment. Applications that are held over to a date more than 12 months after payment will be liable for any price increases that may be applicable. 
2.3.2 Please note candidates are responsible for re-booking their examination for a later date. When a new date is booked, EQASA must be notified by email to the regional representative/director that a new booking has been made and request that payment made for the cancelled date be carried over to the new booking. 
2.3.3 In the event of a cancellation on a confirmed assessment date, less than 30 days prior to the assessment, 25% of the assessment fee will be forfeited for administration costs.
2.3.4 In the event of a “no-show” on a confirmed assessment date, (cancellation less than 7 days prior to a confirmed date), the relevant examination fees will be forfeited.
2.3.5 In the event of a medical reason for late cancellation of an assessment; a doctor’s certificate or, in the case of module five riding, a veterinary certificate, is required in order to postpone that assessment at no charge.


2.4.1 Results are posted on the website approximately 4 weeks from the date the exam documents are received by the results moderator. This can be approximately one week from the last exam day. Candidates will obtain their results using their login details. No results will be provided via telephone or to third parties.
2.4.2 On request, candidates’ certificates can be forwarded upon payment of a fee of R180 for door to door courier. 
2.4.3 Unless delivery by courier is requested, certificates will be sent to the respective regional director. It is the candidate’s responsibility to arrange for collection of the certificate.


2.5.1 In the event that supplementary assessment/s is/are required, these may only be taken after a minimum of one month in the case of modules 1 and 2, or two months for module 3, have elapsed from the date of the original assessment to the date of the re-write.
2.5.2 At least six months needs to elapse before a rewrite of practical subjects at Module 4 and higher are taken.
2.5.3 Bookings for supplementary or stand alone subjects must be booked and paid for one month prior to the published date.
2.5.4 All supplementary exams are to be completed within two years of the date of the original examination.
2.5.5 Supplementary fees are listed in the fees document..
2.5.6 Supplementary subjects must be booked as a Supplementary Exam on the website and paid for one month prior to the published date of an examination.


2.6.1 Candidates are expected to be physically competent and are expected to wear correct safety and riding wear when undertaking practical components of the assessments. 
2.6.2 Cell phone use during an assessment is prohibited, unless in the case of an emergency. Cell phones are not allowed to be taken in to any written test. 
2.6.3 Jewellery should be restricted to a wristwatch. In the interests of safety, body piercing loops, rings or studs are to be removed or concealed by clothing.
2.6.4 Candidates may not take any assessment if they are pregnant, or have any temporary physical impairment such as broken bones etc.
2.6.5 Candidates are required to comply with the specific requirements as listed for each of the modules in the general syllabus.
2.6.6 All assessments are subject to cancellation / alteration / postponement should circumstances deem it necessary. In such instances EQASA is unable to refund expenses for travel and accommodation.
2.6.7 If you consider your assessment was not conducted in line with the syllabus requirements you are entitled to appeal against this. The appeals form can be obtained from the national moderator.
2.6.8 In the event of a fall of a rider, during any of the riding or lesson assessments, that rider might not, at the discretion of the examiner, be permitted to continue the relevant component. Should the candidate have fallen, a rewrite of the subject on the next assessment date will be permitted.
2.6.9 Show jumping rules will apply to the jumping sections of module five and above. The jumping course will be flagged accordingly.
2.6.10 Candidates will be expected to work within the parameters of safety when demonstrating for practical assessments, ie. securing the horse in the stable using an appropriate technique.
2.6.11 All examinations are conducted using set assessment standards. Venue amenities may vary from Province to Province. All candidates are expected to be fully versed on the syllabus requirements and with the conditions of application.

Competition Discipline assessments not specified in this syllabus are available on request from the managing director.